I typically was not a morning person when I was younger. Sure, I had to wake up early for school, but that didn't mean I was awake and alert. But now as I mature and am becoming more of an adult, I really enjoy my early mornings. I get things done in the morning time, so my afternoon and evenings can be more relaxed and laid back.
This morning for instance, I woke up (no alarm needed) at 7 am, got dressed, and headed out with my friend and my camera to the nearby park around my house. It was nice to breathe in the crisp, cold, morning air and take some pictures for the blog and portfolio as well.
My advice for people who want to get more into mornings is to ease into it. First start off maybe getting up an hour or two before you usually wake up. Set up a list of things you want to accomplish in the morning and go through them one by one. If you try to multi-task, you may get overwhelmed and stressed. Take it easy. It starts becoming a routine by itself soon enough. If you want to start exercising or running in the morning, schedule it in. It doesn't take more than half an hour to an hour to run. You realize how much time you've been wasting before sitting around watching hulu and netflix when you could be (as a photographer, blogger, model and singer) editing some photos, writing a blog post, emailing casting directors or writing song lyrics. Once you get up and start doing things with your morning, you realize that you have time to get things done.
Jacket: Lululemon
Pants: Nike
Shoes Nike
Cap: Adidas
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